Class 2 - Visit to the Biology laboratory - 2025

The students of Class 2 enjoyed a hands on learning experience of " My Body", on 6 March 2025, where they saw models of different body parts along with the joints. They saw the Human Skeleton and were very enthusiastic to know about parts  inside their  body that they cannot see. They also glanced through different insects in the glass jars and saw the different stages of a silkworm. Last but not the least, they thoroughly enjoyed looking through the microscope and were very excited to see "germs" for the first time.

Class 1 - Christmas Activity - 2024

The students of Class 1 enjoyed a Christmas party on 19 December 2024. They decorated Christmas trees and displayed them in the corridors. Then the children made tasty treats by spreading chocolate sauce and gems on muffins and shared them with their friends while listening to Christmas carols.

Secret Letters to Santa by Class 2

The children of Class 2 were very excited when they were told that they could write a Secret Letter to Santa.  They poured their hearts out and wrote their desires to their Christmas Father which would be directly posted by the teachers to North Pole. These secret letters were actually handed over to the parents during the Parent Teacher Meeting held on 17 December 2024.

Class 1 - Food Activity

The students of Class 1 enjoyed a food activity on 23 August 2024. They made a salad comprising of corn, cucumber, tomatoes and drank a small tetrapack of fruit juice. This activity reinforced the concept of healthy eating learnt in EVS. However, it was emphasised that juice made from fresh fruit is healthier than packaged ones. The children understood that the major portion of our meals should always consist of nutritious food.

Class 2 - Germination project

The children enjoyed a "Go Green" project in the 3rd week of July by growing their own plant as they learnt germination in their E.V.S. classes. They became aware of the various ways in which plants grow and how to take care of them.

Class 2 - Rathyatra activity

The children of Class 2 celebrated Rathyatra during the festival week in their Second Language classes with a brief discussion followed by worksheets.

Class 2 - Salad making

The children of Class 2 made salads in school on 03 July 2024 as a follow up activity of their EVS chapter on healthy food.They made a nutritious salad using different kinds of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

Lower KG - Blue Day Activity

The children of Lower KG celebrated Blue Day with much enthusiasm. All the children came dressed in different shades of blue and the classrooms were decorated likewise. The children were engaged in various fun-filled activities which included  painting in blue and assembling  craftwork. They enjoyed a sensory activity where they walked barefoot to feel the different surfaces - hard, rough, slippery and soft which were made using  materials that were mostly blue in colour. They immensely enjoyed the Blue Catch activity where they were given a fishing rod with a magnet  at the end of the line and had to catch only blue fish. The sorting of big and small blue glasses with the help of straws proved to be exciting as well. All these activities helped the children develop their hand eye coordination, reinforce the knowledge of colour blue and  were both enjoyable and educational.

Class 2 - World Music Day and International Yoga Day 21 June 2024

The students of Class 2 celebrated World Music Day and International Yoga Day on 21 June 2024.They brought different musical instruments to school and also enjoyed singing in rhythm and creating their own music with two coloured and decorated paper plates. The children also displayed their body flexibility and agility by showing a few asanas and exercises.

Class 1 - World Music Day and International Yoga Day. 21.06.2024

The students of Class 1 celebrated World Music Day with much enthusiasm on 21 June 2024. They created beautifully synchronised sounds using paper plates demonstrating that music may be made from simple objects around us. This activity was followed by a song about the oneness of children all over the world despite apparent differences.

International Yoga Day was observed with excitement as well. The children learnt yoga postures and those familiar with it demonstrated some exercises themselves.

Class 1 Bengali - Earth Day activity

The students of Class 1 celebrated Earth Day in their Hindi and  Bengali classes too. They learned about the importance of different types of medicinal plants. They were shown  mint, coriander, neem, hibiscus, tulsi and curry leaves to help them identify  the plants by the different shapes and smell of the leaves and were made aware of their benefits.

Hindi Activity Class 2

In this activity on Earth Day, children learn the benefits of planting, nurturing and having trees all around. They also drew things which we receive from trees to understand their importance.

Lower KG - Earth day Activities

The children of Lower KG celebrated Earth Day by learning the importance of segregating paper and plastic waste by throwing them in two separate bins. They enjoyed videos on protecting aquatic animals by keeping the oceans clean and did related craft work. Fun games such as placing cut outs of good and bad habits on Happy Earth and Sad Earth pictures created awareness about how they could protect the environment.

Class 1 - Earth Day activities

The students of Class 1 celebrated Earth Day by embarking on a new venture to protect our planet from plastic. They have begun to consciously separate plastic waste and put them into soft drink bottles to make 'eco-bricks'.When the plastic waste is tightly packed into the bottles, the 'eco bricks' are ready to  be tied together to make tools to be used in class. This activity will create an awareness among the children about segregation of different forms of waste and making use of them in a simple ways. Moreover, they made Earth Day crowns with pictures of things which are good for the planet and wore them proudly.

Earth Day Activity - Class 2

The students of Class 2 celebrated Earth Day with various activities aimed at promoting environmental awareness and sustainability. They reused newspapers to make pretty paper bags. The idea of 'reduce, reuse and recycle' was reiterated through this activity.

Class 2 - Nature Walk

Accompanied by curious giggles and wide-eyed wonder, the children of Class 2  embarked on a nature walk around the school garden to learn and observe the different kinds of plants....understanding the difference between  trees & shrubs.  With  each new discovery, their connection to the natural world deepened, and they were awestruck with the fruits and vegetables grown here as they stood to get a 360 degree view of our school garden.

Making Clocks - Class 2

On 5th March 2024 the children of Class 2 made their own clocks using mount board and all their creativity.  They learned about the numbers on the face of the clock and how the hands worked.  After the clocks were made, they all had fun as they practised reading the time.

Christmas Activity by Class 2

To celebrate the festive season, on Wednesday 13 December 2023, the children of Class 2 made  a red Santa cap and decorated it with cotton and other stickers.  They enjoyed and expressed their creativity as each one made their own version of Santa’s cap. Some of them pinned it on their heads and went home wearing them.

Lower KG - Christmas Party

The children of Lower KG celebrated Christmas with fun and frolic. They had a wonderful time decorating a Christmas tree and their colourful art works were displayed in the classrooms. They enjoyed a cupcake party where various toppings were used to create a delicious treat. A surprise visit by Santa definitely made the day even happier.

Class 1 - Christmas Activity

The students of Class 1 enjoyed a Christmas party on 19 December 2023. They made a tasty treat by spreading chocolate sauce on a muffin and decorating it with colourful Gems. The children sang Christmas carols and excitedly spoke about what they wished to get from Santa Claus.

Lower KG - Children's Day Celebration - 2023

The children of Lower KG celebrated Children's Day with great enthusiasm. The classrooms were decorated with balloons, streamers and colourful artwork. The little ones sang and danced and played different sorts of indoor and outdoor games. 

Class 1 - Festival Activity

The students of Class 1 celebrated the festive season by using five different kinds of fruit to make a fruit salad symbolising the offerings made during this special time. They mixed the fruits in a yoghurt base to create a delicious treat and to emphasise on healthy food habits. The children wore traditional clothes to make the occasion even more enjoyable.

Children's Day Celebration of Upper KG - 2023

Children's Day was celebrated on 9th November, 2023. The girls wore coloured clothes to celebrate their special day. They sang, danced and played games.

Class 1 - Children's Day Celebration - 2023

The students of Class 1 celebrated Children's Day with much excitement on 9 November 2023.They played games and danced to lively songs. Wearing coloured clothes was an additional treat.

Class 2 - Activity for Durga Puja

To prepare for the festive season, the children of Class 2 learnt how to make chocolate laddoos. They made the dough with care, rolled them into perfect balls and decorated them with sprinkles, nuts and all the other garnishes they had brought.

Class 1 - Water Activity

The students of Class 1 enjoyed an activity, on 18 August 2023, in which the Features of Water learnt in EVS were reinforced. They understood through this activity that water has no smell, taste or colour of its own unless  something is mixed in it. They poured the same water into different containers displaying that it has no shape of its own.

Lower KG - Vegetable Activity

The vegetable activity was thoroughly enjoyed by the Lower KG children as the teachers and students enacted as vegetable vendors. This activity was conducted through role playing either as 'Hariya bhaiya' or 'Kantaben'. This made the learning process exciting and it enabled the children to recognise and name different vegetables.

Class 1 - Healthy and Unhealthy Food Activity

The students of Class 1 enjoyed making a sandwich and ate a small packet of potato chips along with it to reinforce the topic of healthy and unhealthy food done in EVS. The sandwich comprised of healthy ingredients whereas the potato chips were eaten in a small quantity as it is not a healthy food item. The children learnt that the major portion of our meals should consist of nutritious food and junk food may be consumed occasionally but in small amounts.

The Tricolour Cook

The children of Class 2 enjoyed a cooking activity with the tricolour as the theme. Section A made a dessert, section B made an Idli Burger, section C made a pasta dish and section D made a sandwich.  They methodically prepared and decorated their items , tasting periodically to ensure a perfect balance in flavour! The final dishes looked beautiful and tasted delicious as the children discovered and honed their culinary skills.

Lower KG - Blue Day celebration

'Blue Day' was celebrated by the children of Lower KG on Friday, 7 July 2023 with great excitement.They all came to school dressed in different shades of blue with matching accessories. The teachers had also dressed in blue and decorated the classrooms with blue ribbons, balloons and pictures. As the colour blue symbolises the sky and the sea, the importance of these were also discussed. All the sections played various interesting games like hop-scotch, build a pyramid with paper cups, show and tell activity with blue toys and also various kinds of craft work. 

Class 2 - World Yoga Day and World Music Day

World Yoga Day was celebrated by the children of Class 2 as they demonstrated all the asanas they knew and also did some exercises on the field. The importance of yoga for physical fitness was emphasised and they enthusiastically promised to do yoga regularly. Some even did the Surya Namaskar flawlessly!

World Music Day was given due importance as well. The children brought musical instruments from home and played them in class. Various Indian as well as Western musical instruments and musicians were discussed in class.

Class 1 - World Music Day and World Yoga Day

Class 1 celebrated World Music Day and World Yoga Day on 21 June 2023. The children enjoyed an interesting activity using cups and claps to create rhythmic beats. This was then done along with a song to show them how background music is provided.

The importance of yoga in staying fit and healthy was discussed followed by the children practising a few yoga postures in the garden.

The 'Little Artists' of Lower KG demonstrated their drawing and colouring skills during the Art Activity in the MHS garden on the 8th and 9th of February 2018. They had to draw and colour an underwater scenery that included jelly fish and turtles and octopuses. It was interesting to observe how well the children drew keeping in mind the different sizes of the sea creatures. The children were very happy to be out in the garden enjoying the pleasant morning doing one of their favourite activities.

Diwali Activity of Class 1

The children of Class 1 celebrated Diwali on 21 October 2022. They made posters on how to enjoy a safe and environment friendly Diwali. The children had fun decorating diyas which looked bright and colourful.

Diwali Activity of Upper KG

The students of Upper KG celebrated 'Diwali' on 21 October, 2022.

Girls had fun making beautiful rangolis with coloured chalks. It showcased their creativity and varied sense of colours. They also watched stories on Diwali and drew and coloured lovely diyas.

Class 1 - Festival Activity

The children of Class 1 celebrated the festive season on 27 September 2022. They chose a festival and wore an outfit representing the same. They brought food associated with the chosen festival. They also shared information about the festival with the class. The children had a wonderful time learning about different festivals and how they are celebrated.

Nature Walk by Class 2

The children of Class 2 recently started the chapter 'Plants Around Us' in EVS. To observe the different types of plants, they went for a Nature Walk in the school garden. The children were thoroughly excited to find different kinds of trees, shrubs, herbs, creepers and climbers in their school garden!

The children had a Christmas party in the class. They made a savoury (using pizza sauce, cheese etc) & a dessert (using  chocolate/ jam with colourful garnishing) with cream cracker biscuits.

Children enjoyed making the little booklets by sticking and drawing pictures of the food and non food gifts we get from plants.

Class 2 Science Project

The Class 2 children were taken to the Bio lab to see a real skeleton & models of the organs inside our body as a part of their class project. It was a great learning experience for the children.


Class 1 : Making sandwiches

Science is fun...Class 5 experiments in Class 1

Class 5 students did a few science experiments in class 1, explaining some basic scientific facts. It was an interesting learning programme which the class 1 students enjoyed thoroughly. 

Lower KG - Activity on Germination

Children thoroughly enjoyed the learning experience  of how seeds grow into baby plants.An interesting art activity followed to explain the different parts of a plant.

Lower KG - Art Activity

Art activity in the school garden....

Lower KG - Story on ' Lion cub's Birthday party'

A fun activity ..letter phonetic association..paired with moral values..

Upper Kg had a funfilled class party as an activity on Healthy Food. The children brought biscuits and toppings of their choice. They made their own healthy snack and enjoyed the day. 

Upper KG - Ganit Mala Activity

The UKG children worked with the Ganit Mala to strengthen the concept of Tens and Ones in Numbers.

Lower KG - Chatpata Bhel Party

The children of Lower KG became street-food Chefs and made Bhelpuri in class...cutting,mixing,sprinkling the ingredients as well as sharing the food with others were the key to this fun-filled activity..

Lower Kg Count and Paste Activity

This fun learning activity was conducted in theLower Kg class to introduce sequential counting, names of fruits and names of numbers too.. 

Count my Spots Activity

A fun activity was conducted in  Lower KG for practice and reinforcement of sequential counting of numbers.

Activity on learning Opposite words through story telling

Through a story entitled 'Picnic in the garden', the Lower KG children were introduced to an  enjoyable activity on Opposites.

Activity on Bigger number and Smaller number

The Lower KG children had an activity on bigger and smaller numbers, correlating it to the concept of more and less.

Activity on recognizing Colours - Lower KG

Through some interesting activities the lower KG children learnt about the Primary and Secondary colours.  Using poster paints the children mixed colours and voila the colour magic happened.  Colour wheels were twirled to link colours with real things.Using a hair dryer,blue wax crayons were melted to give the 'rain' effect to a picture. Then the children completed the picture by colouring in groups.

The children loved and enjoyed the activities.

Lower KG Tang Party

To beat the heat  the  Lower KG children made cool and fresh lemonade. They actively participated in making the lemonade  with their friends. It was an exciting and enjoyable morning.

Interesting Language lessons done in Lower KG

‘t’ sound was introduced with the story Toto the Teddy Bear learns to brush his Teeth.

Words that begin with ‘t’ sound like teddy bear, toffee, television, tears, teeth, toothbrush, toothpaste, truth were incorporated in the story. The new words led onto interesting conversations. For example, oral hygiene was discussed when the word ‘teeth’ was introduced.

An interesting activity was organised in the class to teach the children the sound of ‘L’. The story was about the three horses called by the names Lucy, Lavender and Lily. The horses worked very hard and returned to their stable after a long hectic day. They were very hungry. So the children of Lower KG were very happy to feed the horses some leaves.

Biscwich Fun

Making Sandwiches with Biscuits! Class 1s call it 'Biscwich', a fun activity children enjoyed doing in class.

Lower KG - Art Activity

The 'Little Artists' of Lower KG exhibited their drawing and colouring skills during the Art Activity which was conducted in the MHS garden area on the 14th and 15th of February 2019.

It was  wonderful to see how meticulously they worked to create magic on paper.

The children of Upper KG celebrated Earth Day on 23rd April 2018 in the school garden by planting saplings and sowing seeds. They all wore green hair bands or clips to signify that they were working towards making their planet green and pollution free.

Lower KG students had a session of Summer Time Stories

To beat the heat in a most joyful manner, a 'Splash Pool Party' was organized for the students of Upper KG. The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience. They splashed water on each other and also tried to wet a few onlookers !

Children of Lower KG and Upper KG enjoyed their ‘ Phuchka’  and ‘ Bhelpuri’ parties. They brought boiled potatoes, spices and herbs and made the mouth- watering snacks in school. It was a great learning experience for them as they not only learnt about the ingredients that went into the making of the delicious dishes but also the joy of sharing  and working  in teams to create some happy moments.

Class I Activity : Writing and posting letters is fun!

Christmas time activity by class 2

Class 1s learning Geometry in a happy way.

Some photos of the session held by Law Counsel - Minni Gautam