Class Activities
Inter Class Kho Kho - 2025
An Inter Class Kho Kho tournament was held in March which culminated with an exciting final match between sections A and B of Class 4 on 7th March 2025. Class 4B emerged victorious after a nail-biting match.
Inter Class Throwball - 2025
An Inter Class 5 Throwball tournament was held in our school on 7th March 2025. The finals were between sections B and C of class 5. 5B won after a thrilling final match.
Earth Day - Junior Department - 2024
Earth Day is a day that our students strive to celebrate every day. The students of classes 3, 4 and 5 have adopted practices in school as well as in their homes to do their bit towards helping the planet fight all the various problems that plague it. We at Modern High School for Girls pledge to reduce waste and reuse as much of our resources as possible. On Earth Day the students did a variety of activities to build awareness and get them thinking about even more steps that they can take themselves as young citizens of the planet.
Science is fun...Class 5 experiments in Class 1
Class 5 students did a few science
experiments in class 1, explaining some basic scientific facts. It was an
interesting learning programme which the class 1 students enjoyed thoroughly.
Science Presentation - Class 4
The students of Class 4 C presented their project on Balanced Diet. They worked in groups planning, preparing and presenting their ideas on a balanced meal comprising of the food pyramid and the essential nutrients. After the presentations, the students evaluated themselves based on criterias which were formulated by them.
1st Floor Corridor Boards
Class 5's Visit to BITM
Class 5s visited BITM to view the Balloon Show.
The class 5 students participated in an intersection throwball match. Class 5 B won the final match against 5 C.