Workshops / Webinars attended by MHS Teachers - 2024 - 2025

Sr. No.

Name of Teacher


Workshop Attended

Conducted By



Aban Confectioner







29th July to 2nd August

Transformative Leadership for Efficacious Implementation of NEP 2020

CISCE, Hyderabad



Adeeba Anjum







16th November

ChatGPT for Educators - Empowering Teaching and Learning 

Teachers' Centre           Resource person - Ms Sonia Mahajan

Ms Mahajan discussed the use of Chat GPT in the educational field. She talked about its use in designing lesson plans, question papers and even writing remarks for students. She also addressed concerns regarding whether Chat GPT can replace a physical teacher.


Akanksha Chopra







17th to 22nd March, 2025

Accessible Learning for all children : Pedagogical Strategies to enhance learning outcomes at the Primary Level

CISCE, Hyderabad



Anupama Sanghvi







18th April

Art Integrated Pedagogy at the Foundatonal Stage by CISCE

Sangeeta Bhatia, Assistant Secretary ISC, CISCE

Blow painting and hand impression techniques were quite good. It was an informative workshop.


Barna Dasgupta







4th and 5th December

Bengali at the ISC Level

CISCE, Kolkata



Chaitali Roy







23rd October

How can Critical Thinking Be Taught During School Hours? 

Open Doors (online)



Kasturi Ganguly







16th November

ChatGPT for Educators - Empowering Teaching and Learning 

Teachers' Centre



Kavita Shukla







30th July

Commercial Applications at the ICSE Level

CISCE (online)




25th and 26th November

Business Studies at the ISC Level

CISCE, Kolkata



Meera Bahry







30th July

Commercial Applications at the ICSE Level

CISCE (online)




29th and 30th November

Accounts at the ISC Level

CISCE, Kolkata



Menu Duggal







29th June

A workshop with a difference - Use of technology in teaching Hindi for Junior school Level in accordance with NEP

Teachers' Centre, Soumitra Kumar Jaiswal



Mohona Ghosh







21st to 25th October

Workshop on Educational Measurement and Item Development

CISCE, Hyderabad



Mrinalini Mukherjee







27th and 28th November

Psychology at the ISC Level

CISCE, Kolkata



Nandini Dasgupta







13th and 14th November

Commerce at the ISC Level

CISCE, Kolkata



Neha Chatrath







17th to 22nd March, 2025

Accessible Learning for all children : Pedagogical Strategies to enhance learning outcomes at the Primary Level

CISCE, Hyderabad



Nina Dey







23rd October

How can Critical Thinking Be Taught During School Hours? 

Open Doors (online)



Papiya Chakrabarty







20th to 24th January

Maths at the Middle School Level

CISCE, Hyderabad



Pratyusha Ghose







23rd August

Legal Studies at the ISC Level

CISCE (online)




2nd to 6th December

Political Science at the ISC Level

CISCE, Hyderabad



Priyanjana Karmakar







24th and 25th January

Bengali at the ICSE Level

CISCE, Kolkata




6th September

Your Views Matter - an interactive session with Mrs. Devi Kar

Teachers' centre



Priyanka Roy







31st  July

Economic Applications at the ICSE Level

CISCE (online)




7th to 11th October

Economics at the ISC Level

CISCE, Hyderabad




16th November

ChatGPT for Educators - Empowering Teaching and Learning 

Teachers' Centre



Raidhani Debnath







20th to 24th January

English at the Middle School Level

CISCE, Hyderabad



Ranita Ray







6th April

English Language for the Middle School

Teachers' Centre, Ms. Hilda Peacock




16th November

ChatGPT for Educators - Empowering Teaching and Learning 

Teachers' Centre




4th and 5th December

English Literature at the ICSE Level

CISCE, Kolkata



Rina Bothra







12th August

Home Science at the ICSE Level

CISCE (online)




20th August

Home Science at the ISC Level

CISCE (online)



Rinita Dasgupta







16th November

ChatGPT for Educators - Empowering Teaching and Learning 

Teachers' Centre




18th to 22nd November

Sociology at the ISC Level

CISCE, Hyderabad



Sanchayita Routh







29th July to 2nd August

Transformative Leadership for Efficacious Implementation of NEP 2020

CISCE, Hyderabad



Sarika Dhir







14th August

German (Group I, II & III) at the ICSE Level

CISCE (online)




6th September

Your Views Matter - an interactive session with Mrs. Devi Kar

Teachers' Centre



Satarupa Chatterjee







6th September

Your Views Matter - an interactive session with Mrs. Devi Kar

Teachers' Centre



Shalini Gulati







9th August

Computer Science at the ISC Level

CISCE (online)



Sharmila Bhattacharya







23rd October

How can Critical Thinking Be Taught During School Hours? 

Open Doors (online)



Shreerupa Banerjee







6th April

English Language for the Middle School

Teachers' Centre, Ms. Hilda Peacock




14 September

Burlington English Education Fest

Burlington, Ms. Swarna Joshua




4th and 5th December

English Literature at the ICSE Level

CISCE, Kolkata



Shreya Samaddar







23rd October

How can Critical Thinking Be Taught During School Hours? 

Open Doors (online)




3rd to 7th February

Science at the Middle School Level

CISCE, Hyderabad



Sohini Maiti







16th November

ChatGPT for Educators - Empowering Teaching and Learning 

Teachers' Centre




20th and 21st January

Physics at the ISC Level

CISCE, Kolkata



Sudakshina Majumdar







8th and 9th November

English Literature at the ISC Level

CISCE, Kolkata



Sumana Sen







16th November

ChatGPT for Educators - Empowering Teaching and Learning 

Teachers' Centre




3rd to 7th February

Social Science at the Middle School Level

CISCE, Hyderabad



Sunanda Saraogi







6th August

Fashion Designing at the ICSE Level

CISCE (online)




28th August

Fashion Designing at the ISC Level

CISCE (online)



Sunidhi Dahiya







11th December

Geography at the ICSE Level

CISCE (online)



Workshops / Webinars attended by MHS Teachers - 2023 - 2024

Sr. No.

Name of Teacher


Workshop Attended

Conducted By


Workshops Conducted

Adeeba Anjum


17th June

Navigating Environmental Stewardship through Creative Practices

Dr Verity Jones
(Global Goals Center) Ms Nobina Gupta (Disappearing Dialogues Collective)

Dr Jones shared the work she did with students in UK and emphasized on the fact that the entire world is facing environmental threats and sustainability has to be aimed for at a war footing. Ms Gupta talked about the importance of East Kolkata Wetlands for sewage management of our State.


23rd September

CISCE Training - Chemistry at the ICSE Level

Ms Lata Martin

Ms Martin introduced the changes in the pattern of chemistry question papers for the upcoming years (class 9 and 10). She also discussed the scope of syllabus and procedure of marking scheme for different types of questions.

Akanksha Chopra


22nd August (7 sessions of 2 hours each)

Professional Developmental Course on  Promoting Historical  Inquiry

History for Peace

Different strategies which can be used in the classroom to make History interesting and relevant to the students.


15th September

New trends to exploring English Literature in the Primary School

The Progressive Educational Techniques Society

Activities relevant in the classroom when teaching Literature

Anna Alexander


17th June

Navigating Environmental Stewardship through Creative Practices

Dr Verity Jones
(Global Goals Center) Ms Nobina Gupta (Disappearing Dialogues Collective)

Anupama Bothra


24th June

To enhance participation and learning of autistic and neurodiverse students in the Mainstreanm classroom

 Indrani Basu

Teaching strategies for students struggling with class level academics.

Anupama Sanghvi


5th August

Art - an expression of our thoughts, emotions, desires and memories.

Teachers' Centre. RITWIK KAR, A visual artist and educator with a masters degree in painting from Government College of Art and Craft with a teaching experience of more than 8 years.

They made us do some group activities which focusseds on spatial awareness and sensory cognitive development of the child. It was not to our expectation.

Anshumala Tarafdar


28th June

How to Introduce Climate Change & Sustainability Education in your Early Years Setting.

Earth Warriors Global and Cape – UK (Online Workshop)

How to approach the complex topic of climate change in a positive and solutions-focused way that empowers students to feel like Earth Warriors and believe their individual actions can make a difference.


7th July

Scanning Media

The Teachers’ Centre –Ms Subha Das Mollick

What is media literacy and why is it necessary? How to integrate media literacy within the regular school curriculum.


20th July

IAP Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

IAP ALS BLS Group in association with West Bengal Academy of Paediatrics

Non Medical Persons Certicate Course in IAP CPR.The IAP BLS training included comprehensive CPR lifesaving technique that are useful in many emergencies that arises for infant, child and adult victim apart from the manoeuvres for foreign body removal in case of choking.

Aparajita Roy


3rd, 4th and 5th August

The Idea of Justice - Annual History for Peace Conference

Teachers' Centre and Seagull Foundation

Avni Bharvada


11th and 12th December

Environmental Science at the ICSE Level


Bipasha Banerjee


5th August

Art - an expression of our thoughts, emotions, desires and memories.

Teachers' Centre

Bhaswati Banerjee


30th September

Maths for Classes 9 & 10

Teachers' Centre

Chitralekha De Bakshi


3rd, 4th and 5th August

The Idea of Justice - Annual History for Peace Conference

Teachers' Centre and Seagull Foundation

Damayanti Mukherjee


3rd May

Gendered impact and access to Education and Technology during COVID-19 pandemic

Prof.Anita Banerjee, Anglia Ruskin University.

Participants shared their insights, experience, and knowledge (in relation to pre-
COVID and post-COVID times) on the following topics Quality education, Centre and State education policy guidelines, Online education - Challenges during and post-COVID times, Access to electronic devices – gender-based disparity and issues faced by girls and boys, Recommendations and knowledge of best practices and Gender-responsive pedagogy.


24th to 28th July

School Leadership Training Programme

CISCE, Kolkata

Dyuti Banerjee


2nd September

Home science - Introduction of the NEP for Classes 9 to 12

Teachers' Centre


3rd, 4th and 5th August

The Idea of Justice - Annual History for Peace Conference

Teachers' Centre and Seagull Foundation

Farah Farooque


8th April

Experiential learning in the Mathematics classroom —Primary

Orient BlackSwan Centre for Professional Development

Implementing effective pedagogy using hands-on activities and math manipulatives for teaching mathematics to children at the elementary level.


1st July

Maths for classes 5-8 (9 hours)

Souvic Jati, Senior Academic Coordinator and Mathematics teacher at The Heritage School Kolkata with teaching experience of 23 years (Teachers' Centre)

Introducing a topic with hands-on activity and linking the lesson to real life situations in accordance with the requirements of the changing educational needs.

Indrani Roy


3rd May

Gendered impact and access to Education and Technology during COVID-19 pandemic

Prof.Anita Banerjee, Anglia Ruskin University.

Participants shared their insights, experience, and knowledge (in relation to pre-
COVID and post-COVID times) on the following topics Quality education, Centre and State education policy guidelines, Online education - Challenges during and post-COVID times, Access to electronic devices – gender-based disparity and issues faced by girls and boys, Recommendations and knowledge of best practices and Gender-responsive pedagogy.

Kasturi Ganguly


16th and 17th August

English Literature at the ISC Level


Koelia Mitra


28th June

How to Introduce Climate Change and Sustainability Education in your Early Years Setting

Earth Warriors Global and CAPE

Methods of simplifying climate education for young children.


20th July

IAP Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

IAP ALS BLS Group in association with West Bengal Academy of Pediatrics

How to administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation until medical help arrives

Mohona Ghosh


3rd, 4th and 5th August

The Idea of Justice - Annual History for Peace Conference

Teachers' Centre and Seagull Foundation

Mousumi Patra


3rd May

Gendered impact and access to Education and Technology during COVID-19 pandemic

Prof.Anita Banerjee, Anglia Ruskin University.

Participants shared their insights, experience, and knowledge (in relation to pre-
COVID and post-COVID times) on the following topics Quality education, Centre and State education policy guidelines, Online education - Challenges during and post-COVID times, Access to electronic devices – gender-based disparity and issues faced by girls and boys, Recommendations and knowledge of best practices and Gender-responsive pedagogy.

Munmun Mazumdar


19th August

Art Integrated Workshop – ‘Learning Art and Learning through Art’

Organised by Oxford University Press in association with Faber-Castell, at The Park Hotel, Kolkata (Resource person – Anahita Lee)

The workshop aimed at amplifying the skill of amalgamating Art with every possible subject, through various elements, ideas, tools and strategies of using pictures, infographics, sketch notes and anchor charts to make learning worthwhile, intriguing and joyful.

Neha Chatrath


21st to 25th August

Master Trainers' Programme for Foundational Literacy and Numeracy 


The Master Trainers’ Programme for Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) was organized to understand the goal and vision of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 and educate teachers on FLN and its importance in a child’s life right from early childhood.

Nina Dey



1st & 15th July

Maths for classes 5-8 (9 hours)

Souvic Jati, Senior Academic Coordinator and Mathematics teacher at The Heritage School Kolkata with teaching experience of 23 years. (Teachers' Centre)

Introducing a topic with hands-on activity and linking the lesson to real life situations in accordance with the requirements of the changing educational needs.

Pratyusha Ghose


3rd, 4th and 5th August

The Idea of Justice - Annual History for Peace Conference

Teachers' Centre and Seagull Foundation


8th and 9th November

Political Science at the ISC Level


Priyanka Roy


8th and 9th October

Economics at the ISC Level


Puja Shaw


30th November and 1st December

Hindi at the ISC Level


Raidhani Debnath


18th and 19th August

English Literature at the ICSE Level



22nd September

Think outsde the Box - a creative workshop using CANVA

Teacher’s Centre

Rajani Mishra


28th July

Dance is Healing

Teacher’s Centre

Ranita Ray


3rd, 4th and 5th August

The Idea of Justice - Annual History for Peace Conference

Teachers' Centre and Seagull Foundation

Rina Bothra


2nd September

Home science - Introduction of the NEP for Classes 9 to 12

Teacher’s Centre

Ritu Chadha Narayan


5th August

Art - an expression of our thoughts, emotions, desires and memories.

Teacher’s Centre

Saheli Dutta


15th July

Maths for classes 5-8

Souvic Jati, Senior Academic Coordinator and Mathematics teacher at The Heritage School Kolkata with teaching experience of 23 years. (Teachers' Centre)

Introducing a topic with hands-on activity and linking the lesson to real life situations in accordance with the requirements of the changing educational needs.

Sanchita Dasgupta


28th June

Caste and the Indian Constitution

Teachers' Centre and Seagull Foundation


3rd, 4th and 5th August

The Idea of Justice - Annual History for Peace Conference

Teachers' Centre and Seagull Foundation

Shabnam B. Choudhury


13th April

How Teachers can work with parents to Address Academic Challenges 

Ebility/Ms Shivani Wadhwa

Discuss the role of teachers and parents as stakeholders in the teaching learning process


15th September

New Trends in Exploring English Literature in the Primary School

The Teachers' Centre/ Ms Pamela Ryan

How to make teaching Literature interesting in the classroom, genres, aids

Shazia Akhtar


7th July

Scanning Media

Teacher's Centre, Jodhpur Park, ,facilitator - Ms. Subha Das Mollick

Endorsing the power of media. Preparing to live in a world of powerful images, words and sounds. Newspapers that keep all of us connected. Advertisements fuel the media industry.

Shreerupa Banerjee


23rd and 24th August

English Language at the ICSE Level


Sudakshina Majumdar


21 and 22 August

English Language at the ISC Level


Sumana Sen


3rd, 4th and 5th August

The Idea of Justice - Annual History for Peace Conference

Teachers' Centre and Seagull Foundation


25th and 26th August

History at the ISC Level



21st November

Museum as a Classroom - Jorasanko Thakurbari

Teacher’s Centre

Sunita Biswas


21st June

AFSPA and fundamental rights in the Indian Constitution

Teachers' Centre and Seagull Foundation


28th June

Caste and the Indian Constitution

Teachers' Centre and Seagull Foundation


3rd, 4th and 5th August

The Idea of Justice - Annual History for Peace Conference

Teachers' Centre and Seagull Foundation

Tapashree Bhadra


22nd September

Think outsde the Box - a creative workshop using CANVA

Teacher’s Centre


30th September

Maths for Classes 9 & 10

Teacher’s Centre

Vaswati Samanta


29th September


Teacher’s Centre

Workshop was about various teaching methods including an interdisciplinary approach. Bloom's Taxonomy identifying the different stages was done with the help of a topic in Economics. Ikigai concept was introduced that is moving from simple topics to difficult ones.


18th and 19th October

NEP Webinar


Setting MCQs and Descriptive questions keeping recall and competency based questions in mind. Clarity, concept, content, context are all important. It should stimulate thinking.


Workshops / Webinars attended by MHS Teachers - 2022 - 2023

Sr. No.Name of TeacherDateWorkshop AttendedConducted ByDetailsWorkshops Conducted
Anupama Bothra
120 to 25th JuneSpecific Learning DisabilityCIET- NCERT Understanding SLD Manifestation of SLD in classroom Building Synergies SLD Inclusion Is this SLD? Living with SLD
214 and 15th NovemberBridging the Gaps- Moving Towards Greater InclusionIICPVisiting faculty from Department of SE, Stockholm University. Inclusive Education in India, Perspective and Challenges. In Nordic Countries Continuing Adult and Inter Generation lifelong Education. Mental Health Advocacy and Empowerment.
Priyanka Choumal
15th April 2022 - 31st May 2022NISHTHA 3.0 ((FLN) online CoursesDIKSHA platformThe course consisted of 12 modules based on Foundational Literacy and Numeracy.
Sukalpa Majumder
1April to MayDIKSHA- Digital infrastructure for school education (05 courses)
1. Understanding Vidya Pravesh and Balvatika
2. Introduction to FLN Mission
3. Shifting Towards Competency Based Education
4. Involvement of Parents and Community for FLN
5. Foundational Numeracy
National Council Of Educational Research and Training (Ministry of Education, Govt. of India)This course provides me the information about various online tools, strategies and planning for the best techniques for online classes and the way they delivered these contents through some videos were excellent.
Gargi Mukherjee
115 JulyCREATIVE WRITING TECHNIQUES THAT REALLY WORKANJUM KATYAL (at South City International School)The workshop aimed to enhance participants’ understanding of how to apply key features of creative writing (independent expression, analytical/critical thinking, upgrading vocabulary, problem solving etc) in adding value to everyday classroom sessions.

Through a prompt-triggered actual creative writing session, teachers understood how the above skills could realistically be applied when creative pursuits were attempted.

Post-pandemic, the urgency of developing these waning skills was unanimously agreed on.
24th AugustOnline Teacher Training Programme for English Language at the ICSE LevelCISCE (hosted by Ms Hilda Peacock)Entire English Language paper format and question type (including recent modifications) discussed, with special emphasis on areas of general ambiguity. Strategies to improve student performance suggested, which include prior preparation at earlier levels (middle school). Queries of diverse tenor addressed, especially in setting question papers and marking, across classes 8-10.
35th AugustOnline Teacher Training Programme for English Literature at the ISC LevelCISCE (hosted by Mrs Raha)Format of current question paper discussed, including areas of Bloom’s Taxonomy to be highlighted in the light of probable question setting tendencies in future. Drastically different aims and nature of ISC Literature paper vs ICSE Literature paper reiterated. Strategies to attain effective answers suggested, along with practical ways to enhance class participation. New syllabus of Class 11 and 12 for the examination year 2024 communicated.
Munmun Mazumdar
115 JulyCREATIVE WRITING TECHNIQUES THAT REALLY WORKANJUM KATYAL (at South City International School)The workshop focussed on enhancing the key skills required for creative writing, through a student's vocabulary building, precision development, sequential, analytical and critical thinking and how the same could be achieved in an everyday classroom scenario via picture composition, comic strips, graphic novels, alternative endings and flow charts. It was moreover suggested that starting as a group activity before putting down individual ideas can enhance a student's thought development process since they find add-on ideas in a 'chain-story' interesting. Inserting an 'unusual idea' in a topic too encourages creative thinking. A prompt triggered creative writing activity was conducted at the end.
Sarika Dhir
16th January"Unmögliche Freundschaften" by Monica CantieniGoethe InstitutThe workshop was conducted by Monica Cantieni and was about Impossible Friendships. This workshop was about inspiring friendships that are sought beyond gender, religion, nationality, local animosities, social status, different ethnicities and/or competition. Friendships that make us more resilient to all of life's adversities, that give us courage and push us forward because we know that humanity is not an empty word, but a very concrete experience. Friendships that made us more open because we understood something of the common ground that runs through us all. A session of storytelling and reflecting on superheroes of our own lives, who have changed the ways we view our world.
Shabnam Barlaskar Choudhury
119th MayHow to Work with Parents whose Children Face Academic DifficultiesEbility Events/ Shibani WadhwaThis webinar focused on academic challenges that pose difficulties for the child and parent, early intervention can help, collaborations of school and parents can help.
Sharmistha Palit
112th MayHow to teach students with different challenges in a classroom.Eblity Events
R.P : Ms Tobiloba Ajayi, founder ,Author and Advocate, Disability Management
The webinar was on how to identify and help the children with learning disabilities in the classroom as a facilitator.
215th MayTransformative Changes in EducationAn International webinar conducted by ICERTThe webinar was conducted on the eve of the Teachers Day in Malaysia where different eminent personalities put forward their views on the transformative Changes in Education.
319th MayHow to work with the parents whose children face Academic DifficultiesEblity Events
R.P : Ms Shivani Wadhwa, Counselling Psychologist and Remedial therapist
The webinar was on how to spread awareness among the parents about learning difficulties faced by the children and building synergies to make the children deal with the difficulties.
426th MayHow to teach Time and Money to Children with Special NeedsEblity Events
R.P : Mdm Geetha Gopi N, Psychologist
Math is an abstract subject and children with special needs may find it a little more challenging to understand these concepts. The resource person introduced a few manipulative and shared ideas to teach these concepts to help the children with special needs.
54th to 5th JuneDiploma in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)Mindmasters
R.P: Dr A Abraham, MD
The 12 hours NLP workshop taught a structural way of viewing mind and body states, developing mental maps that show how things happen and how to change course.
620th to 26th JuneGenerating Awareness about specific learning disability (SLD)A series of Webinars conducted by CIET-NCERTA series of webinars were conducted to spread awareness on Specific Learning Disabilities.
Anshumala Tarafdar
118th AprilToddlers, Middle Schoolers - Teenagers Certified Parenting CoachDEEP Parenting Institute - Mr. Manish Sharma
22nd MayCISCE_FLN_Understanding ‘Vidya Pravesh’ and ‘Balvatika’_Batch 2NCERT - Diksha

Workshops / Webinars attended by MHS Teachers - 2021 - 2022

Sr. No.



Workshop Attended

Conducted By


Adeeba Anjum



27th May

Our Environment and Us (Online Science Demonstration)

Science Centre Singapore

Working model of the effect of carbon dioxide dissolved in seawater on aquatic animals (using sea shells), Combustion of ethanol and butane thus explaining that ethanol is a biofuel were innovatively explained.



28th May

Diversity of Cells (Online Science Demonstration)

Science Centre Singapore

Discussion on how to use a microscope, Cellular structures using-Plant cells (cells in a hydrilla leaf), Animal cells (cheek cells of humans, RBC,WBC), Bacteria cells and microorganisms found in pond water were explicitly shown.



9th & 11th June

What is Thinking- A Workshop for Teachers

Resource person-Prof. Sundar Sarukkai. Organiser= Bhabook

Meaning of Thinking, Correlation between language and thinking, Different actions involved in thinking-remembering, perceiving, describing, believing, discovering, concepts and problem solving- were discussed.                                 Different actions involved in thinking, Types of thinking, Higher order thinking and Ways to teach higher order thinking were discussed. The idea that ‘Thinking is a Social Act’ was emphasized upon.



14th to 16th September

West Bengal - District Online Science Teachers' Training Program

Jagadis Bose National Science Talent Search (Dept. of Higher Education, GoWB). Dr Maitree Bhattarchayya, Dr .Abhijit Kar, Dr. Samrajit Manna.

The workshop taught pedagogies of teaching science in the online mode. It talked about various experiments that can be done at home to make teaching-learning more interesting.

Akasnsha Chopra



9th June & 11th June

What is thinking?

Bhabook, Conducted by Professor Sundar

Create an understanding among teachers/educators about different kinds of thinking. Also strategies which can be used in the classroom to encourage the students to think.

Anna Alexander



11th June

Educationists' Environmental Leadership Webinar 2020-21

Kids for Tigers, The Sanctuary Tiger Programme

The resource persons were able to give a first-hand account of the work that is being done towards the wellbeing of the tiger and how students can be involved. There was an emphasis on teacher awareness so that we are able to guide students. 

Anshumala Trafdar



30th September

Spinning Tales

Teachers' Centre – Ms Prachitara Mishra

Story Telling - a creative way of telling stories to children and helping children to explore their imagination and creative skills and hence develop self expression and self confidence.



19th October

CISCE_FLN_Introduction to FLN Mission

NCERT - Diksha




21st october

CISCE_FLN Shifting Towards Competency Based Education

NCERT - Diksha


Anupama Bothra



6th & 7th September

Multisensory approach in Pre-school Eductaion

NIEPID Regional Centre Kolkata

Straegies to teach pre-school students using multisensory (a combination of visual, audio, kinesthetics)approach.

Anuradha Sen



22nd May

Understanding the Earth Surface

Adamas University, Department of Geography. Resource Person : Prof Sunil Kumar De,
North Eastern Hill University

This webinar was part of a series: Future Geographers: Exploring Career Goals and Competencies. Prof De talked about the changing surface of
the Earth and the various agents responsible for
this change.
This was an audio visual presentation followed
by a short Q and A session.

Arjama Dasgupta



5th April

Award Leader Discussion

IAYP, India

Through this webinar, the Programme Team aims to get in touch with Award Leaders all over the country, who may want to clarify about the process of Award Management, to share any valuable developments, their participant’s Award story or to clarify their doubts or discuss any constraints they may face while running the Award at their respective institutes.



16th May

Dancehall For A Cause

GLOBAL BOB ( Chad Torrington)

Virtual Dancehall Workshop by one of the most iconic Jamaican dancers focusing on old and middle school dance moves. This workshop was conducted to generate funds for Covid relief measures. An article on this was published in



1st to 30th September

Nishtha 2.0 (Secondary) Health and Well- Being


Workshop on maintaining a healthy lifestyle for secondary school students



Nishtha 2.0 (Secondary) Understanding Secondary Stage Learners


Understanding the psychological needs of secondary school students and ways of guiding them



Nishtha 2.0 (Secondary) Art Integrated Learning


Use of art in various disciplines and its benefits



2nd October

Dancehall Workshop for Inner Rhythm dance festival

Arjama Dasgupta for The Creative Arts Academy

One hour dance workshop on the dance form - Dancehall

Asmita Chatterjee



14th September Workshop on Ice breaking games for interactive online sessions.

Steffi Retzlaff

The workshop had Pasch German Teachers from all corners of the world. Interactive games were played in smaller breakout rooms which can be eventually used in online classes to make them more interactive and fun.

Chaitali Roy



9th to 11th June

What is thinking ?

Bhabook, Conducted by Professor Sundar

How to cultivate the process of
thinking in students and nourish their mind to be more creative



12th November

Chemistry at ICSE Level


Pattern of MCQ , syllabus for 1st semester ICSE, 2021

Chandrani Ganguly



22nd May

Understanding the Earth Surface

Adamas University, Department of Geography. Resource Person : Prof Sunil Kumar De,
North Eastern Hill University

Future Geographers – II: Exploring the career goals and competencies.



29th & 30th May

Theatre Workshop

KAW/Ms. Abanti Banerjee

Training on 8 different emotions and voice modulation.



1st June

Beginners Guide to Wakelet Webinar'


How to create a new collection on Wakelet.



9th & 11th June

What is thinking?- an introductory workshop for teachers

Bhabook/ Prof. Sundar Sarukkai.

The workshop is designed to bring in the key skills of critical thinking and reflecting in the classroom for
teachers/facilitators/animators working with children in the primary and middle school grades. Critical thinking
has been identified as a key higher-order cognitive capacity that needs to be developed among children even
in the National Education Policy 2020.



19th June

Climate change and our Oceans

ADAMAS UNIVERSITY, Dept. of Geography, School of Basic and Applied Sciences

Panel discussion on how climate change affects the oceans [certificate issued]



20th June

Professional Upskilling Workshop

Aspire for Her Foundation

How to use this app. professionally

Debleena Gupta



30th July

Effective Classroom Communication and Teaching Styles

Pearson Academy India

Webinar focused on interactive pedagogical style and strategies to encourage learners to communicate and express their ideas through Infographics, Digital storytelling, podcasting etc.



4th August to 4th September

IBDP Environmental Systems and Societies Cat 2 Certificate

IBDP Workshop Leader - Richard Gaskell

Workshop focused on enhancing learning and making links beyond the classroom. Strategies for understanding in ESS , External and Internal assessment. were discussed in details.

Guncha Arora



11th June

Sanctuary Educationists’ Environmental Leadership Webinar

Mr Bittu Singhal and Dr Parvish Pandya

A webinar on how to prevent another pandemic. Understanding nature based solutions and best ways to handle the climate crisis.



October 2021

DIKSHA course on Introduction to FLN Mission

Diksha Portal

The Ministry of Education, Government of India has launched a Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) Mission and provided guidelines to build literacy and numeracy skills among children at the foundational stage. This course deals with the aims and objectives of the mission and highlights the role of different stakeholders.



October 2021

DIKSHA course on Shifting towards competency based learning

Diksha Portal

This course highlights the need for shifting towards competency based education. It discusses the three developmental goals of Foundational Literacy and Numeracy.



26th January

How to adapt your way of teaching online


A webinar was conducted on the various websites and tools available online to enhance teaching and make learning more engaging using visuals and activities in online classroom environments.

Indrani Chakraborty



27th May

TOK-Subject integration

DSB International school

How theory of knowledge can be integrated in teaching-learning of all subjects in IBDP



24th April

Singapore and Asian Maths Olympiad

SIMCC , Singapore




5th June

TI-nspire CX-II in Assessment

Numerical Analytics

How to incorporate technology during IB exams



10th June

Building critical thinking and problem solving skills in students

Ms. Rajneeta Bhatnagar [CENTA]

How to build critical thinking and problem solving skills in students while teaching in an online setting



12th June

TI-nspire CX-II in IB Assessments

Numerical Analytics

How to incorporate technology during IB exams



15th June

Global Citizenship

University of Essex

How to bring in awareness about the environment and integrate sustainable development in the teaching-learning process



16th June

Data Science and research

University of Essex

How to incorporate data research in teaching Mathematics



19th June

TI-nspire CX-II in Assessment

Numerical Analytics

Effective use of calculator in Probability & Statistics for IB exams



20th June

Professional upskilling workshop

Aspire for her foundation

Introduction to Canva



26th June

TI-nspire CX-II in Finance

Numerical Analytics

Exploring finance solver



3rd July

TI-nspire CX-II in Functions-I

Numerical Analytics

Functions-Basics & Beyond



10th July

TI-nspire CX-II in Functions-II

Numerical Analytics

Getting creative with functions



17th July

TI-nspire CX-II in -When in doubt, test it out

Numerical Analytics

Statistical Tests



31st July

TI-nspire CX-II in -Calculus

Numerical Analytics

Make it visible with Calculus



20th August

Studying in a liberal Arts University

Ashoka University

Integrating Biology, Sociology, Anthropology & History in teaching learning procedure



25th August

Remote assessments in secondary education


Assessment techniques that can be used in online teaching mode



4th September

TI-nspire CX-II in -Errors

Numerical Analytics

Type-1 & Type-2 errors in Statistical tests



6th September

Art of integrated Learning

Nishtha-2.0 (NCERT)

How to integrate Art in the teaching learning process.



6th September

Understanding Secondary Stage Learners

Nishtha-2.0 (NCERT)

As a teacher, how do we help the learners to develop a sound mental health in the secondary level .



11th September

TI-nspire CX-II in -Voronoi

Numerical Analytics

Exploring Voronoi diagrams and beyond



17th September

Mathematics at ISC Level

CISCE, Resource person: Ms. Tapati Roy

Workshop on how to prepare the students of class-12 for the semester-1 examination



24th September

Mathematics at ICSE Level

CISCE, Resource person: Mr. MVA Chandrashekar

Workshop on how to prepare the students of class-10 for the semester-1 examination



22nd October

Integrating Gender in schooling processes

Nishtha-2.0 (NCERT)

As a teacher how to sensitize students about the difference between Gender(sociological) and sex(biological).

Janhabi Banerjee



22nd June

Cyber Safety

Mr. Sandeep Sengupta

Cyber security, ethical hacking



30th June

Turn it In

Feedback Studio

Using the tool to set up classrooms, assignments and identifying similarity

Madhuri Katti



1/5/2021 - 13/6/2021 (attended weekend webinars)

Contagion: Online Exhibition and Series of Public Lectures/Webinars by different experts

Science Gallery, Bengaluru, Resource persons: Prof. Gautam Menon, Prof. David Arnold, Prof. Jeremy Farrar, Prof. Dora Vargha, Damon Centola, Daniel Richardson, Girish Sahane and couple of others

Contagion was an online public science engagement program organised and hosted by Science Gallery Bengaluru. It consisted of series of webinars on art, history, science, mathematical modelling, medicine, social psychology and other diverse topics by experts from all over the world. Sessions were highly engaging. The main objective was to make sense of the current troubled times of the deadly pandemic through different discliplines and perspectives



24th May

Women in Science - Virtual Conversation with Women Scientists

French Institute in India; Resource person: Dr. Rohini Godbole (Physicist - IISc, Bangalore)- Equity and Inclusion in Science

French Institute in India; Resource person: Dr. Rohini Godbole (Physicist - IISc, Bangalore)- Equity and Inclusion in Science



27th May

TOK - Subject Integration (IB Curriculum)

DSB International school

How Theory of Knowledge aspects can be integrated into different subjects and taught effectively with an inter- displinary approach



26th January

Developing Practical Skills for Cambridge International A Level Physics Examinations

Oxford University Press

Of help in training our IGCSE Physics students. It was an enriching session

Mita Dey



9th & 11th June

What is Thinking

Prof Sundar Sarukai

Prof Sarukai conducted the workshop by delivering talks on what ‘Thinking’ is and how a teacher could deliver lessons in such a way that a student learns to connect ideas/ subjects and comprehends a topic in its entirety. And is motivated towards higher thinking. The afternoon sessions were dedicated on both days to preparing and delivering presentations based on certain key questions.



20th June

Professional Upskilling Workshop (Canva)

Aspire for Her Foundation

Teaching of how to make presentations more vibrant and flexible using Canva – use of graphics, colour palette and font.



21st September

ISC Online Training- Literature


Learning to frame MCQ based on ISC Literature Texts.



August 2021 onwards

CISCE_SEC_ Integrating Gender in Schooling Processes

NCERT - Diksha




CISCE_SEC_Art Integrated Learning (1)

NCERT - Diksha




CISCE_SEC_Health and Well-being

NCERT - Diksha




CISCE_SEC_Understanding Secondary Stage Learners

NCERT - Diksha




CISCE_SEC_ Vocational Education

NCERT - Diksha




CISCE_SEC_ School Leadership_ Concepts and Applications

NCERT - Diksha


Mohona Ghosh



26th May

"The Network Dynamics of Social Change"

Damon Centola, PhD, Professor of Sociology at the Annenberg School for Communication, the University of Pennsylvania.  Arranged by Science Gallery Bangalore.

This discussion addresses social networks and behaviour change.



27th May

TOK - Subject Integration

DSB International school

Discussion on ‘Theory of Knowledge’.

Nibedita Saha




Curriculum & Inclusive Class rooms             Teaching-Learning &Assessments           Personal-Social Qualities for Holistic Development

Council of Indian
School Certificate
Examination (CISCE)

Very informative, enlightening and useful modules in order to upgrade oneself as a teacher.





Council of Indian School Certificate Examination (CISCE)

Very informative, enlightening and useful modules in order to upgrade oneself as a teacher.

Nina Dey



9th & 11th June

What is Thinking?

Prof Sundar Sarukkai

Thinking is a skill, students have to be trained to think. Thinking skills can be taught. Teachers no longer need to teach content but thinking. Start when they are very young. Get them to do it - so that it becomes a habit: why/how ; from known to unknown ;simple to complex ; easy words to technical terms.

Oindrila Dasgupta



25th & 26th June

International Certified Career Coach - Foundation Program

Career Development Alliance (USA) & Mindler


Dr. Reena Sen



30th April

Gender, Sex and Sexuality

Reena Sen for Indian Institute of Cerebral Palsy (IICP)

The difference between gender, sex and sexuality, implications for life and the reasons why it is important to address these issues with adolescents with disabilities



6th May

We’re in it together

Dr. Arvinder  Singh , Director, Ashoka Centre for Wellness
Ashoka University

Dr. Singh presented her views on ways of coping with pandemic related stress and feelings of helplessness and fatigue emphasizing the importance of building up supportive locally and globally connected communities and viewing life through a collective lens. Ways of helping people deal with bereavement and grief was particularly helpful. The interactive session addressed important issues related to leadership and supporting senior students and the teaching community.



14th May

POSCO and Child Protection

Dr. Jai Ranjan Ram, Psychiatrist
Mental Health Foundation

PCSO Act contents and implications with specific reference to organisations working with vulnerable populations; need for formal stated SOPs that will ensure quick and timely action in the event of CSA.



31st Aug

Unleash the Power Within

Socio-Economic Sub Committee Bengal Chamber of Commerce

I spoke about IICP’s work in breaking boundaries that prevent persons with disability from unleashing the power within themselves (Panelist and CG).

Ritika Kunda



3rd June

Training on physical health of children                         

West Bengal Commission For Protection of Child Rights and Dr Shamik Ghosh     

Information regarding remedial measures , government portal to help parents deal with student issues and special children needs discussed.



30th August

Hybrid Learning : New Model for the Future of Learning

Microsoft and Knowledge L'avenir Conclave




31st August

Hybrid Learning in the Primary Classroom

Microsoft and Knowledge L'avenir Conclave




1st September

Hybrid Learning in the Intermediate Classroom

Microsoft and Knowledge L'avenir Conclave




2nd September

Hybrid Learning for the Adolescent Learner

Microsoft and Knowledge L'avenir Conclave




3rd September

Lead Forward : Integrating the best strategies from remote, hybrid and blended learning for school teachers

Microsoft and Knowledge L'avenir Conclave





Teaching and Assessing Core Skills

British Council and UK Aid

This online course introduced the core skills and explored tools and approaches for teaching and assessing these skills in the classroom. It was a 4 week course.

Ruchira Som



May 20th, (6 months  self paced course)

Cambridge Assessments


Innovative assessment methods in the current scenario.



27th May

TOK Symposium

Pledge Harbour International School, Bangladesh

Incorporating TOK in your subject



8th & 9th June

UCAS Seminar


Admission in UK colleges through UCAS



11th June

Tackling calculus using TI inspire

Texas Instruments

Using GDC to solve May 2021 paper



17th June

Understand May 2021


Understanding May 2021 assessment and grading

Sampa Sanyal




Using school-assessed grades for the June 2021 series (Cambridge) 

Cambridge International

This was packed with information about how Cambridge proposes to award grades to students this year keeping in mind that the exams have been cancelled. The focus is on the school assessed written work of the candidates and the webinar allowed the participants to get a fair idea about how these written tasks are to be marked and how the grade averages are to be calculated so that there is some kind of standardisation of the grades awarded.




We are in this together! - Mental well-being workshop

Centre for Well-being, Ashoka University

This was also a good exposure about how teachers can ensure proper pastoral care  - how students and teachers can look after their mental well-being during the pandemic and lockdown periods.



27th May

ToK - Subject Integration

 DSB International School

This webinar was helpful specially for the non-ToK teachers. It helped de-mystify ToK for them. 



8th June

Orientation session on Michigan Language Assessment and MET Go Digital

Fernando Fleurquin
Daniel Lieberson
Manish Puri
Vikash Bhartiya

This webinar was targeted at schools looking to get an international certification for their students’ ability to use the English Language. The hosts spoke about 2 categories of students:
The tests evaluate the student’s ability in the basic skills of the language – READING, WRITING, LISTENING & SPEAKING.
The cost in India is Rs. 3600/-.
Schools can also become Test Centres.



16th June

Understanding May 2021 (IB Webinar)

Phil Riding [Host]
Richard Penrose
Jane Wynn
Rachel Cronin
Celina Garza
Dominique Turner

This webinar discussed the steps that IB has taken this year to ensure a fair and practical way of assessment and evaluation of student performance. They also clarified a few doubts that schools might have had about result publication and post-result challenges.

Samra Masud



7th August

Addition - 6 Different method

Ramanujan Museum & Math Education Centre

Various approaches to teach the concepts were demonstrated during the interactive sessions by Mr. A.T.B.Bose



14th August

Subtraction - 6 different methods

Ramanujan Museum & Math Education Centre

Sanchayita Routh



22nd May

IBDP Virtual Job Alike Session

Pledge Harbour International School, Bangladesh

Effective ESS teaching methodology



22nd May

Future Geographers II -  Exploring the career goals and competencies

Department of Geography, School of Basic and Applied Sciences, Adamas University Kolkata -  Prof Sunil Kumar Dey

The Department of Geography, Adamas University  had an interactive session with those who have little interest in Geography. to guide the students in taking the right decision about their future.   



27th May

ToK - Subject Integration

 DSB International School

"All IB Teachers are TOK Teachers." We have read this. We are constantly told this. Yet, putting this into practice often evades us. A group of TOK experts from DSB  decode and demystify TOK. They shared their  best practices  



30th August to 3rd September

Hybrid Learning 3.0 

TECHAVANT-GARDE WITH MICROSOFT AND KNOWLEDGE L’AVENIR.                                            Resource Person: Prashant Jha

Integrated online instruction with traditional face to face class activities in a planned pedagogically valuable manner

Sangeeta Sen



3rd June

Locked  Childhood in Lockdown  

Organized by West Bengal Commission of Child Rights. The resource persons were Ananya Chakraborty who is the chairperson  of this organisation, Dr.Samik Ghosh a well known pediatrician and Yashobanti Sreemany an expert on mental health.

Dr. Samik Ghosh spoke about incorporating physical activity in a child's  daily routine.  He also emphasized on helping the child to stay socially  connected and helping children cope with stress. All of these he felt could be done by active play way methods . He rounded up  the  session by saying that Covid 19 has emphasized the need for solidarity  and resilience. Ananya Chakraborty and Yashobanti Sreemany spoke about  the strained health  system ,lack of access to basic immunization  because of the current situation and increased  risk of domestic  violence  ,abuse, school dropouts and most alarmingly  rise in the number of child marriages. The session ended with a message - Strengthen core basic life skills, Support responsive relationships.

Sarika Dhir



10th May to 4th June

Wortschatzvermittlung mit Online-Tools“ „#DaF digital unterrichten“

Goethe Institut

2 weeks Workshop. The aim was to set up a network of multipliers for East India and to jointly develop material for teaching German as a foreign language in schools in East India.



21st May

Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit im DaF-Unterricht - Teil 2

Goethe Institut

How to teach the topic  Environment and Sustainability in class using various interesting teaching methods.



19th & 20th June

Einsatz von Filmen als Lernmethode im DaF-Unterricht

Goethe Institut

How to use films and film materials in the DAF class for teaching various topics. How to make one's   own films according to the topics and use it in the class.



21st July

Art Integrated Language Learning

Goethe Institut

A workshop by Gaurav Juyal, who is an Education Designer and TEDx Speaker, on how to integrate Art and Animation in German Classes.



14th September

Warm-ups, Icebreaker und Auflockerungen für den interaktiven Online-Unterricht“

Goethe Institut conducted by Dr. Steffi Retzlaff

An interactive Workshop conducted in German on how to make online classes interactive and exciting. How to work with kids in online classes especially in the areas of warm ups, Ice Breaking sessions, how to increase Concentration and Energy of the participants. Ideas for Vocabulary, Speech and Grammar in DaF classes with simple tools.



14th February

Ask Me Anything„ For the Love of Teaching“

Goethe Institut/Max Mueller Bhavan , Kolkata

An interactive Workshop conducted by Ms. Manveen Anand, Language and Teaching Expert, and currently based in Germany. The topic of this AMA is “For the Love of Teaching” and aimed to answer a variety of questions that the teachers had about presentation and delivery of language lessons in a classroom. Some of the focus areas of this session are - Teachers’ behaviour in a classroom and presenting a self-confident image, integrating fun and good humour in teaching, make lessons beautiful and colourful, use of illustrations and videos in the classroom, my superpower- my voice.

Sarmistha Palit



9th June & 11th June

What is Thinking?

Sundar Sarukkai, with Barefoot Philosophers

The sessions were really enriching which made us introspect our perspective and approach towards teaching & learning. A proper practice on the theme being discussed can result in positive impacts on the classroom environment.



7th August & 14th August

Addition & Subtraction-6 Different Methods

Ramanujan Museum & Math Education Centre

During the webinar the resource person transferred the knowledge of different methods that the mathematics teachers should introduce to the children to make easy the concepts of Addition and Subtraction with regrouping.

Seema Sharma



27th May

ToK - Subject Integration

DSB International school

 It was very helpful to understand how TOK should be applied  in our own subjects. It also helped to understand how TOK experience builds up the content and adds critical reflection for the students and teacher alike.



5th June

Authentic Assessments

Edu Co, Mr. K C Tilak & Tina Jain

The webinar entailed different kinds of assessment to be taken in online classes-formative, summative, diagnostic tests etc.



8th June

Michigan Language Assessment

Hosted by Cambridge Assessment.

Michigan Language Assessment has launched MET Go! Digital which will be available as a computer-based test giving upper primary to secondary school learners. It is designed for upper primary to secondary school students who want to demonstrate their level of English in all four skills. The webinar was useful to garner that understanding.

Shabnam Barlaskar Choudhury



11th June

Educationists' Environmental Leadership Webinar 2020-21

Kids for Tigers, The Sanctuary Tiger Programme

The resource persons were able to give a first-hand account of the work that is being done towards the wellbeing of the tiger and how students can be involved. There was an emphasis on teacher awareness so that we are able to guide students.



22nd June

Cyber Security workshop as a part of Sengupta Child Rights Protection Protocol

Mr. Sandeep Sengupta- Director ISOEH.

Workshop threw light on importance of following cyber safety norms- importance of two step verification, need for a strong password, how cookies need to be removed, To keep the IMEI code handy  and other safeguard methods.

Sheta Saha



26th October

SAIBSA Workshop - Unpacking the TOK Essay

Sheta Saha - Facilitator




20th November

OK and the TEACHER Webinar series- History

Sheta Saha - Facilitator




27th November

Dunia Indonesia IB Teachers Convention

Sheta Saha - Key Note Speaker


Smita Mehta



22nd May

IBDP Virtual Job Alike Session

Pledge Harbour International School, Bangladesh

Discussions on how to choose topics for internal assessment, how to organise and work towards a successful IA . Differences between an Extended essay and IA.



24th -28th  May

Online Science Demonstrations 

Science Centre Singapore

Very good presentation of some experiments done in the Middle school. A very interactive programme.



27th May

ToK - Subject Integration

DSB International school

Importance of TOK in different subjects. Discussion on how critical and creative thinking can be  incorporated in various subjects. How collaboration and communication plays an important role  in development of an individual.



9th & 11th June

Workshop on' What is thinking'.

Prof. Sundar Surakkai

Thought provoking ideas that teachers can use to  inculcate different thinking skills in young minds, especially in today's situation. The different types of thinking that happens in  students when asked to think.

Somali Mitra



20th June

Professional Upskilling Workshop

Aspire for Her Foundation

The workshop was a explanation and demonstration of the features of Canva, the graphic design software. We were told about the differences between the free and pro versions of the software and given a demo of many of the Canva tools that were school friendly.

Suchorita Dawn



11th June

Educationists' Environmental Leadership Webinar 2020-21

Kids for Tigers, The Sanctuary Tiger Programme

The resource persons were able to give a first-hand account of the work that is being done towards the wellbeing of the tiger and how students can be involved. There was an emphasis on teacher awareness so that we are able to guide students.

Sudakshina Majumdar



9th & 11th June

What is thinking?

Prof.  Sundar Sarukkai

The workshop was designed to bring in the key skills of critical thinking and reflecting in the classroom for teachers in the primary and middle school grades



11th June

Educators' Environmental Leadership organized by Kids for Tigers

Bittu Sahgal

A session to address environmental issues.



20th June

Professional Upskilling Workshop - Canva

Aspire for Her Foundation

Introduction to Canva and how to use this amazing graphic design tool



22nd June

Cyber Security Workshop as Part of Child Rights Protection protocol

Mr. Sandeep Sengupta

A session to address some of the pitfalls that are inadvertent and also raise awareness about safety guidelines.

Sumana Sen



9th June

Indian Knowledge Systems

Schoolscape Centre for Educators, Indian Knowledge Systems, Mrs. Sashikala Ananth

The main theme of the webinar was on architecture in ancient India.

Sumita Mukherjee



11th June

Educators’ Environmental Leadership Webinar/The Sanctuary Tiger Programme.

Kids for Tiger




19th October

Introduction to FNL Mission

NCERT - Diksha




21st October

Shifting towards Competency Based Education.

NCERT - Diksha


Susmita Sen



25th May

Webinar on Transformational Leadership by Gizmos


Discussed various ways of enhancing the online teaching learning experience by using the Gizmos.



28th May

TOK - Subject Integration Workshop

DSB International School

Highlighted the need to incorporate TOK into our regular teaching of the subject and also addressed the different ways by which this can be achieved.



31st may to 31st December

Understanding Assessment: A New Practical Course for Teachers

Cambridge Assessment International Education

A course of 6 modules having two core modules followed by 4 modules addressing specific areas of evaluation like MCQs, powerful questions to support teaching, practical methods to improve marking quality and overcoming learner barriers & challenges in assessment. Individual certificates were issued after the completion of the core modules and then each of the 4 specific modules.



20th June

Workshop on CANVA


A guided demonstration of why and how to use CANVA.



30th June

Webinar on Turnitin Feedback


Demonstration and discussion of why and how to use the Turnitin for similarly check.



26th July

Webinar on Cybersafety

Mr. Sandeep Sengupta

A highly enlightening webinar addressing the various types of cyber threats experienced by the teacher and student communities and how to avoid them.



14th to 16th September

JBNSTS Science Teacher’s Training Program


A 3 day long program addressing the basic principles and techniques to make teaching fruitful and joyful in the online mode. There were both common sessions and subject-oriented (Physical science, Biological science and Mathematics) sessions. Although the program was designed for West Bengal board curriculum, it revealed several interesting low cost teaching ideas from the trainers and the participants. The session ended with a presentation by volunteer participants sharing their unique ways of teaching a specific topic.



16th September

Online Teacher Training Programme for Biology at the ISC (Class XII) level


ISC Class 12 Semester 1 examination 2021-2022 syllabus and question paper format were discussed.

Swarnasree Bhattacharya



27th May

Coding Science Internship Sneak Peek

Amplify Science

This webinar was held to give a briefing about the Coding Internship programme for the students.



Completed on 16th July (30.5 hours)

Complete Python Developer in 2021 - Zero to Mastery

Andrei Neagoie, Uddemy

This course covered the complete core Python programming concepts (using Python 3), 12+ real world projects, basic concepts of web development, machine learning, data science etc.

Tanushree Roy



18th July

Accountancy Webinar- Discussion Series on Accountancy - ISC

 CA (Dr) G.S.Grewal




11th September

Accountancy Webinar- Discussion Series on Accountancy - ISC

CA (Dr) G.S.Grewal




22nd October

online Teacher Training Programme for Accounts at the ISC level



Vaswati Samanta



20th June

CANVA workshop

Canva team(Jayati, Namrata)

Templates with design, text and colours taught.



Aug / Sep



Inclusive education. Training on various aspects regarding students.

Vineeta Sukhtankar



19th October

Introduction to FLM Mission





21st October

Shifting towards Competency Based Education





12th November

Understanding Learners: How children learn





19th November

Involvement of Parents and Communities for FLN





December 2021

Foundational Language and Literacy





Understanding Vidya Pravesh and Balvatika





January 2022

CISCE FLN Learning Assessment





CISCE FLN Multilingual Education in Primary Grades





February, 2022

CISCE Foundational Numeracy





CISCE FLN School Leadership for Foundational Literacy and Numeracy




Workshops / Webinars attended by MHS Teachers - 2020 - 2021               

*  Ms Asmita Chatterjee

    -     Attended the SAIBSA German Workshop which focused on assessment objectives, marking criteria, IA and strategies to approach examination papers on 7th February, 2021.


*  Ms Ina Bharadwaj

    -     Completed her IGCSE extension course on 18 th October, 2020.

*  Ms Asmita Chatterjee

    -     Attended the first virtual SAIBSA (South Asia IB Schools Association) Job Alike session for IB CAS on 21st November.   Over 120 IB CAS Coordinators and CAS Advisors participated in the session.   They discussed, in small break out rooms, how to plan CAS during COVID in the virtual world.  It was an extremely fruitful session, where a lot of exchanges of ideas were made possible, on how IB schools all over the South Asian region, are running the CAS programme in COVID times.


*  Ms Asmita Chatterjee

    -      Attended an IB German Writing Workshop on 7th and 8th November 2020.  The focus was on different types of texts organised by Goethe Institute Delhi.   This workshop was conducted by German expert Mrs. Frauke Schweers-Hamp.   IB teachers from India, Bangladesh and Pakistan attended.


*  Ms Asmita Chatterjee

    -      Made a successful presentation on 'Tricks to conduct Zoom classes.'  160 participants attending the session. 

    -      This was the first ever virtual International German Teachers' Conference (Getvico 24) organised by Goethe Institute. 

    -      The conference was held from 20th to 21st October: 24 hours dedicated to teaching German around the world.   

    -      More than 140 presentations from over 30 countries about teaching German were held. 

*  Ms Vineeta Sukhtankar

      -          2 days Webinar on 'Online Learning and Assessment made Simple,' - Scholastic India.

      -          The Learning App on 'Engaging Pre-primary in Online Sessions,' by Learnflix, conducted by Shalini Nambiar. 

*  Ms Shilpi Balani

-          2 days Webinar on 'Online Learning and Assessment made Simple,' - Scholastic India.

-          The Learning App on 'Engaging Pre-primary in Online Sessions,' by Learnflix, conducted by Shalini Nambiar. 

*  Ms Shazia Akhtar

-          Experiential Virtual Learning.

*  Ms Barna Dasgupta

-          Experiential Virtual Learning.

-          Workshop on Education and Digital Technology, (special ref to Flipped Classroom) by Mr. Leslie D Gama. 

*  Ms Sharmila Bhattacharya

-         Certificate Program in Virtual Training - Xperiental Learning Systems.

-         Challenges and Conquest for Students.   A National Online Seminar on Covid -19 Pandemic,organised by the Department of Chemistry and Zoology, and supported by IQAC, City College, Kolkata.

-       How to Conduct Online Classes using Simple Tools.  An online Teacher Training module, organised by Goyal Brothers PRAKASHAN and BRIGHT TUTEE - A Digital App.

-          National Education Policy - Webinar.


*  Ms Anahita Gupta

-          IAYP, ORB Training.

-          Khelo India Fitness - SAI LNCPE - PE & Community Coaching Programme.

-          Certificate Programme in Virtual Teaching  -  Xperiential Learning.

-          Leadership Conclave on Physical Literacy.

-          Debating the New Education Policy – Webinar.

-          Cambridge International Webinar: Online Learning Support series: Physical Education.

-          Supporting Teaching Efforts through Baseline Assessments. 

*  Ms Sarika Dhir

-          Digitale Tools für den DaF- Unterricht: Zoom - Unterricht: Tipps und Tricks anhand  Unterrichtsbeispiele - Goethe Institut.

-          Digitale Tools für den DaF- Unterricht: Google Classroom - das virtuelle Klassenzimmer für den Deutschunterricht - Goethe Institut.

-          Digitale Unterrichtsprojekte im DaF-Unterricht - Goethe Institut.

-          Flüssiges  Sprechen mit Spiel und Spaß im Online- Unterricht - Goethe Institut.

-          Werbespots im DaF-Unterricht - Goethe Institut.

-          Lerneraktiviriender Online-Unterricht - Goethe Institut.

-          Interkulturelle Literatur - Zwischen den Zeilen,- Goethe Institut.

-          Journey Metaphor Gathering - Goethe Institut.

-          The Digital Kinderuniversity - Goethe Institut.

-          Virtual Teaching Programme -Xperential Learning. 

*  Ms Tapashree Bhadra

-          Experiential Virtual Learning.

-          Workshop on Education and Digital Technology, (special ref to Flipped Classroom) by Mr. Leslie D Gama. 

*  Ms Rajani Mishra

-          Khelo India online PE Community Coaching Programme.

-          Khelo India Fitness Assessment Programme.

-          Certificate Program in Virtual Teaching.

-          Remote Learning and Assessment Webinar. 


*  Ms Madhusree Sengupta

-          Scholastic Online Remote Learning - Online Learning Assessment.

-          Super 3 Virtual Reading Resources.

-          Certificate Programme in Virtual Teaching – Xperiential Learning Systems. 

*  Ms Suchorita Dawn

-          Scholastic Remote Learning workshop - Online Learning and Assessment made simpler.

-          Online Learning and Assessment made simpler. – Webinar.

-      Certificate Programme In Virtual Teaching – Xperiential Learning System. 

*  Ms Saloni Banka

      -     Online Learning and Assessment made simple -  Scholastic India.

-       Engaging Pre Primary in Online Sessions- by Ms. Shalini Nambiar of Learnflix - The Learning App.

*  Ms Guncha Arora

-          Enhancing skills on Google sheets, Google drive and Google forms.- Zoom, by SJC Institute.

-       Assessment for online learning.  Webinar by Cambridge Assessment English.

-          Webinar by Learnflix hosted on Facebook on the topic "Engaging Pre Primary in online sessions." 

*  Ms Sumita Mukherjee

-         Online Learning and Assessment made Simple - conducted by Scholastic India.

-          Engaging Pre Primary in Online Sessions - conducted by Ms. Shalini Nambiar of Learnflix-The Learning App. 

*  Ms Anindita Dutta

-          Overcoming the COVOD- 19 Challenge and beyond.  (A K-12 Virtual Conference conducted by Ashoka  University.)

-          Online Learning and Assessment made Simple - Scholastic India.

-          Certificate Program in Virtual Training - Xperential  Learning  Systems.

-          Understanding the needs of high ability learners in your class.  (Conducted by Kaveri Gifted Education  and Research Centre Jagadis Bose National Science Talent Search.)

-           Conducted a workshop at The Teachers’ Centre .Connecting Online with Young Learners. 


*  Dr. Reena Sen

-          Strategies for Online Teaching - Xperiential Learning System.

-          IICP Webinar on Inclusive Education - Speaker (Inclusive Education - No Longer a Myth).

-      University of Stockholm Department of Special Education - Lecturer for Course: Introduction to Special Education (1 hour lecture on IICP and Inclusion).

-          Attended Ashoka University Webinars. 

*  Ms Priyanka Malik

-          A training programme on Flipped Classroom-  by Leslie D Gama.

-          Certificate programme in Virtual Teaching - Xperential Learning Systems.

-          A short course on 'Cinema in the Classroom' - Bichitra Pathshala. 

*  Ms Nilanjana Nag

-          Online course on 'How To Read A Novel' by the University of Edinburgh, University with Futurelearn Foundation.

-          Certificate Program in Virtual Teaching. 

*  Ms Manjira Paul

-          Cinema in the Classroom.

-          Certificate programme in Virtual Teaching.

-          Workshop on 'Hands On Activity in Science' by Tink tac - organised by TAISI. 


*  Ms Chandrani Ganguly

           Certificate Program in Virtual Teaching – Xperimental Learning Systems. 

*  Ms Sangeeta Sen (PE)

-          Online P.E TEACHERS AND COMMUNITY COACHING program organised by Sports Authority of India LNCPE Trivandrum. 

*  Ms Papiya Chakraborty

-          Certificate Program in Virtual Teaching  - Xperimental Learning Systems.

-          Workshop conducted by Mr. Sumit Roy.

-          Workshop conducted by Mr. Leslie D Gama. 

*  Ms Suva Banerjee

-          Certificate Program in Virtual Teaching  -  Xperimental Learning Systems. 

*  Ms Chaitali Roy

             Application of Educational Tools in online teaching.

-          Think Tac Primer for application of Experimental Methods of Learning, in Science. 

*  Ms Smita Mehta

-          Certificate Program in Virtual Teaching - Xperiential Learning Systems. 

*  Ms Sudakshina Majumdar

Certificate Program  - Xperiential Learning Systems. 

*  Ms Asmita Chatterjee

-          Virtual Teaching Programme -  Xperential Learning Systems.

-          IB CAS workshop by Faria Education Group.

-          Advanced G Suite Teacher Training Workshop by Leslie D Gama.

-          Werbespots (Advertisements or commercials) in German classes by Goethe Institute.

-          Digital German Class project workshop by Goethe Institute.

-          Online classes Tricks by Goethe Institute.

-          Conducted a workshop organised by Goethe Institute, Tricks on Zoom classes by Asmita Chatterjee. 

*  Ms K. S. Parvathy

-          Certificate Program in Virtual Teaching -  Xperiential Learning Systems.

-          Online teaching workshop conducted by Leslie D Gama. 

*  Ms Nina Dey

-          Certificate Program in Virtual Teaching - Xperiential Learning Systems.

-          Aim for OIC effect workshop conducted by Sumit Lai Roy. 

*  Ms Ruchira Som

-          Xperiential Learning Systems.

-          Advanced Technology Workshop conducted by Leslie D Gama. 

*  Ms Seema Sharma

-          IBDP Category 1 Online Workshop, English A: Literature. 

*  Ms Sumana Sen

-        'Studying Sources - Teaching History with a Difference'. History workshop conducted by Mrs. Amita Prasad and Ms Priyadarshini Guha.

-         Webinar on 'Writing Early India' conducted by Prof. Romila Thapar. 

*  Ms Swarnasree Bhattacharya

-          Cinema In The Classroom : organised by Bichitra Pathshala and conducted by Mrs. Shubha Das Mollick.

-          Certificate Program In Virtual Teaching -  Xperiential Learning Systems. 

*  Ms Luka Arora

-          Webinar on Math Phobia, organised by Ramanujan Museum and Math Education Centre. 

*  Ms Nilanjana Ganguly

-          Webinar on "Remote Learning & Assessment", organised by Scholastic India.

-          Webinar on "REMOVE MATH PHOBIA For PRIMARY TEACHER", organised by the Ramanujan Math Education Centre. 

*  Ms Akanksha Chopra

-          Online Learning and Assessment made Simple - Scholastic India.

-          Certificate Program in Virtual Teaching -  Xperiential Learning Systems. 

*  Ms Shabnam Choudhury

-          Scholastic Online Remote Learning - Online Learning and Assessment.

-          Certificate Program in Virtual Teaching - Xperiential Learning Systems. 

*  Ms Bina Ghosh

-          Digital German class project workshop at Goethe Institut.

-          Werbespots (advertisement or commercials) in German classes.

-          'Deutschland Aktuell' ,A series of workshops on Current Political ,Social , and Youth related problems and situation in present Germany organised by Goethe Institut.

-          'Lerneraktivierender Unterricht' . Active learning in class organised by Goethe Institut. 

*  Ms Indrani Sarkar

-          Course on COVID  Safe Sports , Coaches & Officials Certification.

-          21 day online training program for PE teachers and Community Coaches - Programme by SAI LNCPE. 


*  Ms Janhabi Banerjee

-          Workshop on UNICHECK .

-          Workshop -  Xperiential Learning Systems

-          Completed M.Com. 

*  Ms Sharmistha Roy

-          Scholastic Remote Teaching, Learning and Assessment.

-          Engaging Pre-Primary In Online Classes,  workshop conducted by Ms Shalini Nambiar. 

*  Ms Moushumi Ghosh

-          Webinar on "Remove Math Phobia for Primary Teachers," organised by the Ramanujan Math Education Centre.

-          Webinar on "Connecting online with young learners," conducted by Ms Anindita Dutta and Ms Anna Alexander, organised by Teacher's Center. 

*  Ms Sita Nag

-          Webinar on "Remote Learning & Assessment' - Scholastic India

-          Webinar on "Remove Math Phobia" - Ramanujan Math Education Centre

*  Ms Roseline Ahmed

-          Certificate Program in Virtual Teaching  -  Xperiential Learning Systems.

-          Online learning and assessment made simple - Scholastic India. 

*  Ms Priyanka Choumal

-          2 days Webinar on 'Online Learning and Assessment made Simple,' - Scholastic India.

-          The Learning App on 'Engaging Pre-primary in Online Sessions,' by Learnflix, conducted by Shalini Nambiar. 

*  Ms Ananya Ray

-          Webinar on "REMOVE MATH PHOBIA for PRIMARY TEACHER," - Ramanujan Math Education Centre. 

*  Ms Koelia Mitra

-    Webinar on "Connecting online with young learners," conducted by Ms. Anindita Dutta and Ms. Anna Alexander, organised by Teacher's Center. 

*  Ms Sheta Saha

-       Cambridge influencers programme for TOK and Global Perspectives.  (participates regularly in their online forums.)

-       As a regular contributor to the discussion, it has opened up some resources which Ms Saha has been using. They have weekly seminars and some of what has been learnt there is being applied in her IGCSE and IB meetings.

-       Signed up for a 3 session Blended Learning series - Melissa Musgrove, Digital Learning Consultant, Blended Learning Mastery Series Facilitator.

-       3 Webinars run by CAIE to deal with the changes to the IGCSE - including on their CEM : student assessment webinar. 

-     Teaching the New Theory of Knowledge curriculum, with Ric Sims, Pearson. 

-     "Creating Digital Portfolios (ManageBac 101)".

*  Ms Madhuri Katti

-         Certificate Program in Virtual Teaching - Xperiential Learning Systems.

-         TAISI - ThinkTac Hands-on Science Primer Workshop.

-         AIM-OIC MHS Workshop.

-         Super 18 teacher's training for MHS teachers - by Mr. Leslie D'Gama.

-        (Will also be attending Cambridge IGCSE Introductory online training course to be conducted by CAIE from 30th September to 8th November 2020). 

*  Ms Shrestha Ash

-        Workshop on Psychology Category 1 Diploma Programme - International Baccalaureate Organization.

-       Certificate Program in Virtual Teaching - XPERIENTIAL Learning Systems.

-     International Webinar on 'Covid 19: Emerging Cyber Threats, Psychosocial Dimensions & The Way Forward for Students', Dept. of Sociology, St. Xavier's University, Kolkata.

-       Webinar on 'Technology for children with communication and access limitations (posed by physical and / or learning difficulties) to facilitate inclusion -  Indian Institute of Cerebral Palsy (IICP).

-        Webinar on 'Depression : It's Okay To Be Not Okay,' by Manav Zameen Foundation. 

*  Ms Arkamitra Das

-          IBO - IB Professional Development Course.        

-           Unicheck Training Session.

-           Xperiential Learning Systems- Certificate Program in Virtual Teaching.

-           St. Xavier’s University and International Justice Mission- COVID 19:  Emerging Cyber Threats, Psychological Dimension and the Way Forward.

       ‘Monash Masterclass: Effective Online Education’. TAISI-Monash University.

-           CPVT Complimentary Session on EdTech tools. Xperiential Learning Systems.

-           G-Suite Training. Workshop conducted  by Mr. Leslie D Gama.

-           Cambridge University Press- ‘Supporting Teaching Efforts through Baseline Assessments’.

-           Wharton Global High School Investment Competition: Introduction webinar.

-          Faria Education Group- ‘Educators helping Educators: CAS in the Time of COVID. 

*  Ms Adeeba Anjum

-          Certificate Program in Virtual Teaching –  Xperiential Learning Systems. 

*  Ms Paramita Banerjee

-          Certificate Program in Virtual Teaching - MOOC version -  Xperiential Learning Systems.

-          Extensive use of G suite in Blended Learning and Flipped Classroom Technique.

 Workshop conducted by Mr. Leslie D Gama.

-          AIM for OIC effect, workshop conducted by Submit Lai Roy.

-          Teaching the New Theory of Knowledge curriculum, with Ric Sims, Pearson.

-          New Developments in the Solar System – workshop conducted by Dr. Debiprasad Duary,  Director, Research & Academic,  M. P. Birla Institute of Fundamental Research, M. P. Birla Planetarium, Kolkata.

-          Kaveri Gifted Education and Research, sharing Best Practices in Gifted Education. 

*  Ms Amie Bhattacharya

-          Covid 19: Emerging Cyber Threats.

-          Xperiential Learning.

-          IAYP ORB Training.  

-          Cambridge International Webinar (PE).  

-          Using GSuite, workshop conducted by Leslie D Gama. 

*  Ms Sunita Biswas

-          Certificate Program in Virtual Teaching  - Xperiential Learning Systems.

-          AIM for OIC Effect, workshop conducted by Sumit Lai Roy.

-          MOOC on Blended Learning Practice, by Athabasca University (Canada).

-          Super 18, workshop conducted by Leslie D Gama. 

*  Ms Bidisha Chandra

-          Certificate Program on Virtual Teaching - Xperiental Learning Systems.

      Aiming for the OIC Effect , workshop conducted  by Sumit L. Rai. 

-           "Flipped Classroom" workshop, conducted by Leslie D'Gama.

-            Facilitator at the Virtual Performative Storytelling Session, conducted by American Centre, Kolkata.

*  Ms Indrani Chakraborty

-          Certificate Programme on Virtual Teaching -Xperiential Learning Systems.

-          Google Suite, workshop conducted by Leslie D Gama. 

*  Ms Pamela Datta

-          Workshop on Online Teaching - Xperential Learning Systems.

-          Flipped classroom and use of G Suite, workshop conducted by Leslie D Gama. 

*  Ms Mita Dey

-          Virtual Teaching - Xperiential Learning Systems. 

*  Ms Sanchayita Routh

-          Certificate Program in Virtual Teaching -  Xperiential Learning Systems.

-          Training on Use of G-Suit, workshop  conducted  by Leslie de Gama

-          Webinar on 'Supporting Teaching Efforts through Baseline Assessments' by John Bunyan [Cambridge University]

-          Webinar on Effective online education: “Teaching and Learning by Design” by Dr Michael Phillips, Senior Lecturer : Faculty of Education , Monash University.

-          Webinar on 'Planet Positive' conducted by Cambridge International    

-          Training on Unicheck. 

*  Ms Avni Bharvada

-          Certificate Program in Virtual Teaching - Xperiential Learning Systems.

-          Session on Inclusive Digital Pedagogy, conducted by HDFC Bank Ltd. & Tata Class Edge.

-          Creation of educational GIFs, workshop conducted by Universal Teachers Academy. 


*  Dr. Susmita Sen

-          Certificate Program in Virtual Teaching - Xperiential Learning Systems. 

*  Ms Mousumi Patra

-          Certificate Program in Virtual Teaching - Xperiential Learning Systems. 

*  Ms Nibedita Ray

-          Aim for OIC effect , workshop conducted by Sumit Lai Roy. 

*  Ms Anuradha Sen

-          Aim for OIC effect, workshop conducted by Sumit Lai Roy.

-          Certificate Program in Virtual Teaching - Xperiential Learning Systems.

*  Fully Accredited Professional Counselling for Adolescent Ms Oindrila Dasgupta successfully completed the course online on 20 June, 2020.

*  COVID Safe Sport Coaches & Officials Certification Ms Indrani Sarkar successfully completed the course online on 20 June, 2020.

CII School Excellence Conclave was held on 23rd November, 2019.  Ms. Sanchayita Routh and Ms. Shabnam B. Chowdhury attended this workshop conducted by Dr. Partha Chatterjee, Hon'ble Minister-In-Charge, Department of School Education, Government of West Bengal, Mr Manish Jain, Principal Secretary, Department of School Education & Literacy, Government of West Bengal, Mr Anand Kumar, Founder, Super 30, Mr Anurag Behar, CEO & Chief Sustainability Officer, Azim Premji Foundation & Wipro Ltd, Mr Andrew Ford, Consul General, Australian Consulate General, Kolkata, Mr Gerry Arathoon, Chief Executive & Secretary, CISCE, Dr Praveen Kumar IPS, Teleangana, Mr Madan Mohanka, Chairman, CII ER Education Subcommittee & Executive Chairman, Tega Industries Ltd, Mr Narayan Ramaswamy, Office Manager Partner- EAST, KPMG, Ms Bratati Bhattacharyya, Co-Chairperson, CII ER Education Subcommittee Secretary General, Shri Shikshayatan Foundation, Mr Syed Sultan, Founder, LXL School of Cinemas, Mr Parminder Singh, Founder, Disha Education Foundation, Ms Sharmila Bose, Principal, Sushila Birla Girls School,Dr A Senthil Kumaran, Chief Confluencer, the Learners Confluence, OECD, CBSE The Vivanta, Kolkata.  Innovating Education & Educating Innovation.
*  Hindi Language Workshop by Madhuban Educational Books was held on 9th November, 2019.  Ms. Sony Pathak attended the workshop conducted by Mr. Matheen Ahmed with teaching experience of 25 years. He is  the group member of Language Position Paper - Hindi SCERT, Hyderabad and Teachers Orientation Programme Module and active member of State Resource Group - Hindi, R.V.M., Hyderabad. He has contributed to a number of text books of different boards. Middleton Hotels Pvt. Ltd.  To give teachers  an insight to the latest trends in the field of Hindi Language teaching and enhance their teaching skills.
The Pre-Primary Workshop organised by Oxford University Press. On 21st September, 2019 Ms. Supriya Roy and Ms. Kimberly Bell attended this workshop conducted by Nishi Sehrawat Phohgaat, M.Phil. The workshop focussed on holistic development of children through diverse set of activities that develop essential skills such as motor skills and individual expressions.
English Language for ICSE Middle & Senior School Teachers workshop held on 6th and 7th September, 2019. Ms. Bidisha Chandra attended the workshop which was conducted by Ms. Hilda Peacock, ex Principal, La Martiniere for Girls.The sessions focussed on each and every component of the Language paper, along with the methodology for teaching, testing as well as correction patterns.
*  Re-Imagining School Education - Interface with Stakeholders workshop conducted by Ms. Ananya Chakraborti, Chairperson, WBCPCR and Prof. Ruchira Goswami (NUJS) on 4th September, 2019. Ms. Amie Bhattacharya and Ms. Sujana Mukherjee participated in this workshop which extensively covered the issue of child safety from sexual abuses  in the context of school environment and addressed challenges of communication among teachers, parents and students, and guidelines to establish effective school-home communication and building mutually trustworthy relationship. The seminar was attended by school children, teachers and educators, social activists and NGOs.
ASISC Debate Workshop on 27th August, 2019. This workshop was conducted by Ms. Kiran Misra, writer, trainer in soft skills, lecturer of Mass Communication and Senior Radio Announcer with All India Radio and aimed at sharing knowledge with trainers regarding core debating and presentation skills. Ms. Mita Dey and Ms. Bidisha Chandra took part in the same.
Train to Transform Workshop on Storytelling Activities was held on 17th August, 2019. Ms. Mala Palani, author, with teaching experience in CISCE, CBSE & IBDP conducted the workshop. The workshop highlighted the use of the art of storytelling in day to day teaching and how it could be implemented for any subject. Ms. Roseline Ahmed attended this workshop.
The Idea of the Constitution Workshop organised by Seagull PeaceWorks from 26th to 28th July, 2019. A. G. Noorani, Babloo Loitongbam, Gautam Bhatia, Krishna Kumar, Nandini Sundar, Pratap Bhanu Mehta, Rajiv Bhargava, Romila Thapar, Sambhaji Bhagat, Satish Jayarajan, Shah Faesal, Shehla Rashid, Siddharth Varadharajan, Siva Kumar, Valerian Rodrigues, Vrinda Grover, and Udayon Misra were among the eminent speakers. Ms. Sheta Saha, Ms. Sunita Biswas, Ms. Chitralekha De Bakshi, Ms. Sanchita Dasgupta, Ms. Aparajita Roy and Ms. Sumana Sen attended the workshop.
History at the ICSE Level conducted by Dr. Suresh Pande, Head Examiner and History Question Paper Supervisor, CISCE on 25th and 26th July, 2019. This workshop which focussed on the introduction to different and innovative teaching/learning methods was attended by Ms. Sumana Sen
English Literature at the ICSE Level conducted by Ms. S. Joshua, Vice Principal, La Martiniere for Girls on 15th and 16th July, 2019. This was attended by Ms. Sudakshina Majumdar and it focused on the many facets of Teaching, Testing and Evaluation at the Secondary level.
Educating the Educator Workshop by Krishnamurti Foundation on 5th and 6th July, 2019. Ms. A. C. Confectioner and Ms. C. De Bakshi attended the same.
Science in a Box by Dr. Carol Hanley and Brian Radcliffe from the University of Kentucky organised by American Center on 28th June, 2019. Ms. Pamela Datta and Ms. Samra Masud attended this workshop which was about teaching of Science in an interactive and fun way to students of classes 4 to 6 using various simple and readily available objects to explain different scientific concepts.