Special Coaching
2022 - 2023
Information regarding clubs, movements and other activities for the upcoming session 2022-2023 will be posted shortly.
2021 - 2022
* Club activities will be conducted on the virtual platform till further notice.
* To continue an activity or take up a new one in the session 2021-22 a joining form must be submitted.
· * The joining form will be available on the Senior School tab on the School website from 15th March till 30th April 2021. Forms should be submitted via mail to the advisor mail ids provided in the Club Details sheet.
· * Details of advisors/schedules and club attendance rules are also provided .
· * The joining form, duly filled should be submitted within the following dates:
i. Classes 6 to 9 : 30th April 2021.
ii. Class 11 (ISC & IBDP): Will be informed at a later date
Forms will not be accepted after the deadlines indicated.
* Acceptance into clubs/classes:
i. Will be done on the basis of auditions/trials/first come first served, as applicable.
ii. Those who were part of a club/activity in the previous session will not be required to go through the selection process.
· * An email will be sent to guardians informing them of acceptance of their wards into respective clubs/classes ( in case of new activity only) . She will subsequently require to provide a number whereby she can be inducted into the club Whatsapp group. Activities will be virtual till further notice.
· * Club and special class activities will commence from 16th April 2021.
· * 65% attendance per term is mandatory. Inadequate attendance will lead to removal from the club roster.
News and views regarding the MHS clubs may be accessed on the official MHS Clubs Instagram page: https://instagram.com/modernhighschoolforgirls?igshid=espa7jl84gqx