Parent Volunteers

You are probably aware that we have a number of Parent Volunteers who help with traffic management outside our school. They have made a noticeable difference and we are keen to include more volunteers so as to have a larger impact.

The police have made a special and urgent request to us to facilitate a smoother flow of traffic. We would therefore like to increase our pool of volunteers to assist across the road too, which will automatically decrease the pressure in front of the school gate.

Attendance is required only once a week from 8am to 8.30am. We would be most grateful for your help.

If you agree to volunteer kindly fill in the form below and hand over to the Class Teacher.

Thanking You

Head of the Primary and Junior Dept.                                                                                          Principal

Name of Parent ________________________________________________________________


Daughter’s name   _________________________________  Class ________Sec ______


Preference of day________________________

Not possible on _________________________________    Any day 


Contact No.      __________________ E mail    _______________________

Posted On : 01/11/2017