Session on East Kolkata Wetlands

Session on East Kolkata Wetlands

On 17th of November, 2022, the members of the STEAM Club at Modern High School for Girls along with the Geography Department and the Biology Department, got the opportunity to attend an interactive session presented by Dr Somenath Bhattacharyya, PhD, on the “East Kolkata Wetlands’. This was the maiden venture of the STEAM Club with respect to organizing special lectures for its members and the school.

The objective of Dr. Somenath's talk was to inform the students of the significance and several functions that the East Kolkata wetlands had, many of which are not known to the populace. Understanding how these wetlands were originally developed hundreds of years ago and how they now serve as West Bengal's kidneys by filtering out all the toxins from the water was indeed enlightening. He highlighted the various species of flora and fauna that flourish in these areas that are not found elsewhere. Finally, he spoke of how these wetlands end up saving thousands of families every year. Overall, it was a valuable learning experience for all which emphasised the need for the students to be more environmentally conscious citizens of the new era.

Posted On : 06/12/2022