Penorama and the Story of Letters
Modern High School for Girls hosted the event 'Penorama and the Story of Letters' on 18th September, 2024. In this day and age pens are becoming increasingly obsolete and find no place in the lives of the students beyond the walls of the classroom. Yet, pens have played an immensely and undeniably important role in shaping the history and literature of the world. Keeping their importance in mind, Modern High School for Girls had curated a day-long event which catered to the different aspects of penmanship and the history of using pens to write letters and beyond. The day's events were divided into three segments, one for each level of the Middle School classes. Each segment involved an interactive session and a quiz, followed by an activity related to the theme of each segment, for example a Calligraphy workshop and a Design Your Pen workshop. A specific segment dealt with " Doyat Kolom" - the earthen inkwell and quill that would initiate a journey in letters i.e. education.
Posted On : 24/09/2024