Moon Day at BITM

Moon Day at BITM

Students of the Skylab Club celebrated International Moon Day 2022, on the 20th of July at BITM. The Miraculous Moon and its Magnificent Desolation were made clear through excellent

demonstrations and scientific reasons by the BITM team. Now, the moon is not just our natural satellite, but also the most extraordinary heavenly body! That is why we all agreed as Neil

Armstrong said, 'A small step for man is a giant leap for mankind' just after landing on the moon!  We realised that with the efforts of ISRO and NASA, moon missions do not seem impossible  anymore. The session on the moon concluded with an open-house quiz with concise questions.

This was truly an awesome opportunity for all Members of Skylab who love astronomy from the bottom of their hearts.

Posted On : 21/07/2022