British Council's Summer School 2020

Please find a proposal from British Council. It is absolutely optional. Please contact British Council directly for the financials.

Wondering how to ensure your child makes the best use of their time at home? How about giving them the best ever online learning experience in the comfort and safety of your home?

Aligning with this thought, we would like to introduce the Summer School courses especially curated by the British Council for children of ages 7 to 17 years.

Designed by experts, Summer School activates your child’s learning through fun activities. The courses are based on science projects, Micro:bit® coding, theatre, crafts, physical activities and debates, with content adapted for each age group. Your child will make tangible progress, learning to express themselves with confidence in English and developing life skills that will prepare them for the future.

Children enrolled in our Summer School will:

  • improve their English and 21st century skills and grow in confidence
  • develop their creativity and critical thinking skills
  • be inspired by working with peers on a series of creative projects
  • get specially trained teachers who engage through internationally tested methodologies that improve learning
  • experience different themes each week such as Discover, Create, Invent and Move!

To register your child for Summer School 2020 (ages 7 to 17), please click

To know more, call 09899107876, 09873755452 or 09488995400.

Posted On : 14/05/2020